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General Donations

General Donations are made to Mammograms Are Not Enough by individuals, businesses, or organizations. They are directed to the general operations of the organization in support of, and to further its commitment to uninsured and underserved populations. A letter of thanks will be sent to the donor(s).
Memorial Donations
Memorial Donations are funds given to Mammograms Are Not Enough by individuals, businesses, or organizations in memory of an individual who has died, usually from Breast Cancer. A letter of thanks will be sent to the donor(s), and a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the deceased’s family.
Tribute Donations
Tribute Donations are given to Mammograms Are Not Enough to honor an individual who is living. This person may be a Breast Cancer survivor, or perhaps a member of the community who has passion for the mission of Mammograms Are Not Enough. A letter of thanks will be sent to the donor(s), and a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the honoree.